2010年6月6日 星期日


原刊於 2009.05.23





以我自己而言必定核心穩定, 息率可觀, 否則揸住根本冇信心死守...甚至冇覺好訓

有時我好佩服o的賭仔, 大大手o甘入d字花去賠個莊長坐, 究竟有乜野支持d人可以係o甘o既情況長揸, 係o米真係冇深究過o個d係乜來 ??? o甘賭性要好重先得











美元美股一行大反轉 (美元美股 齊跌) 係極危險訊號



如果今次出現 stagflation, 資產市場已炒到去垃圾水平(now @ 1973), 導致o的錢寧願留係民生谷高消費品, 而家已經有o甘o既現象出現 (人心深信熱錢炒垃圾, 只有極小部份人賭性達到100% 全身投入)

經濟愈來愈差, 因人工下降, 收入更大比率用來應付生活開支, 甚至要從資產市場套現

七十年代式....最後集体懺悔(狂挾息)決定 Fiat生死

Now @ 1973, 2007 救毒工廠 = 1971 放棄金本位

時間表 約 2010-11 行Glass steagall, 2015-16 唔掂就狂加息到20厘

人性貪婪以為昆完人先 hyperinflation, 好似1973 o甘, 結果化灰1/10, 搞到1974要跳樓



最近有d hedge fund o既 data, 2009-5月 hedge fund 已去到頂峰期的約8成 (1.5T/1.95T)

但係一個復原期以o甘快o既速度再玩 over-leveraging, 8成已差不多係極限

最近美元的弱勢, 尤其兌GBP(最糟的貨幣), 証明hedge fund 已有能力以熱錢煲起一隻垃圾貨幣




Obama obama

你印出來o的錢 班賊只會送晒出去別國口代瘋狂炒作, 炒番起美國樓...發夢la

美國??? 因為冇回報 資金高速鬆人....死得更快



Deleveraging 1st round 落過 650

如果 glass steagall 100% fully deleveraging, 有一炮要捱的



冇用的, 唔比美國人自己買 大中華威力基金

要資金自動流入美國永遠只得一個辦法, 亞洲仆街

90年代初的日本沉歿 ==> 91-97非理性亢奮
1997-1998 AFC ==> 1999-2000 TMT
2001-2003 亞洲低迷 ==> 2001起的美國炒樓潮

亞洲不死, 美國今次必亡

人類天性貪婪追求 high return, 錢只會o甘樣流法, stable vs high return (資金 ==> high return), stable vs negative return (資金 ==> stable)



前者: stable vs high return (資金 ==> high return), 結果大家都買晒威力基金

後者: stable vs negative return (資金 ==> stable), 結果係走晒去黃金呢d 資金避難所

呢一樣野阿爺而家仲係死都唔制......如果佢一放手, 就會仆街

同埋一下子講到咁大做乜丫, 而家連地區戰爭都未開打, 大部份小國都仲未出事.
總力戰既發展永遠係一級級咁升的, 燒到咁上下之後至會開大戰的.

1997 afc 都係一級一級由最容易既開始燒, 最後至燒到香港的

升級到亞洲仆街之前, 西方自己都要先爆幾個國家先燒到最後boss .... 中國
爆到中國果時, 什麼金磚x 國可能己經死左好世耐了......

美國民主制度講既係"美國利益", 總統都係根據呢一樣野行事的
Obama 佢唔係蠢, 佢同佢既幕僚肯定有考量過如果係為左爆亞洲令咁多金磚國家都爆晒,
會有乜野後果. 美國會唔會被果堆國家集體響聯合國圍攻都估唔到.

呢一局棋, 很精彩



好簡單, 一條 glass steagall act, 全地球 hedge fund 即時收乾

"所謂 high growth" 的地方一冇水...冇得熱錢炒垃圾, 就回歸 fundamentals

以 fundamentals計, 香港個市值幾多?? 心照la



美國忍唔住今晚又用 o個300B 來買番d債去頂個市

而家變了 債跌 + 美元跌 ==> 股跌 / 債升 + 美元跌 ==> 股升, 似乎美元係長跌 但一有 deleveraging o既news 美元就挾升, 直至到一個真正的 deleveraging plan 先會有機長升




美元一升, 亞洲危機

正如水流向 high return 的 2000 TMT 一樣



valuation 同 leverage ratio 有關

例如 2007的 leverage ratio 去到 40倍, 2007 好多股的 core PE 去到40倍或以上

價值投資法建基於有 Glass Steagall Act (1933-1999)的年代 而 maximum leverage raio 為12.5x, 亦即是話 valuation 去盡不超過12.5x 太多, 一般來說 6-12倍的 trading range

我們面對的risk就係 Leveraging (20 - 40) / Deleveraging (6 - 12) 的概念之間浮動

即 Deleveraging 趨向極大時 ==> 6, Leveraging 趨向極大時 ==> 40

index-wise 最盡可由 40 輸到 6 即跌85%

有 Glass Steagall Act, 係6-12玩, 你輸o左守幾年會翻身

但有了 leveraging/deleveraging, 假切你在40中招 未來仍係 leveraging你有機翻身, 但你在40中招未來係deleveraging(如 1933-1999的 glass-steagall act)你會永不超生

就算你在 Leveraging的bottom 20 買 但 deleveraging的top只為 12



根據資本充足率8%, 伝統銀行係做最盡12.5X

企業o既評級好難高於銀行, 係就連錢都唔駛借, 企業核心盈利應同佢o既 operating cash-flow 有關, 即 valuation不高於 12.5yrs x operating cash-flow

當毒工廠後, 金融控股的 leverage ratio 高到三四十倍 (之後先有 raise capital去填 tier 1 capital), 從而推高企業的valuation去到 30-40倍

Leveraging / Deleveraging 係兩個完全唔同o既年代, 保守者係唔會接受minimum loss (20 ==> 12), 更唔好講 maximum loss (40 ==>6)



股價跌, 通常債價升, 因為投資者要 flight-to-safety, 股債價格同時跌, 是極不尋常現象


1. 債券供過於求 (老美喺咁發債, 阿爺, 日本仔冇錢再買, 或者唔敢再買)
2. 債價下跌, 債息上升
3. 國債息上升, 公司, 銀行債息跟住上升
4. 整個經濟借貸成本極高
5. 為咗比美債高息, 企業只好沽售非債券資產, 股票, 外幣, 商品等等
6. 美元上升, 通縮加劇

投資自然美之旅 by 樊仲然﹝轉載﹞

引用自:http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=consilient_lollapalooza December 10, 2007






答:自然美的業務模式,可免費,甚至收費地拓展自己的銷售渠道。加上中國的消費的確在增長中。只要人民幣升4%,同店銷售增10%,加上開拓新加盟店年增5%,銷售額年增20%並不困難,加上營運成本固定,俱有營運槓桿效益,每股盈利年增25%不甚困難。用上DCF模型,我想25-35PE是合理的估值。至於為何不是28或者32...我只能說,如果你是十分正確,那就不用那麼準確。如果現價是5pe,那怕合理pe是28, 30, 還是20,也都是很好的投資。

答:主要是分了三次賣掉。最初自然美佔組合的70%,原因是那時自然美被嚴重地低估。今年中期股息也有5仙,全年可能有1亳。然而去年8月,自然美的股價只是0.6-0.7亳。當然,那時誰也不知今年的股息及盈利,這需要基於業務上了解上,作出預測。後來在$1.4以上減持到40%,再到$$1.8左右減持到20%, 而在最近急升,則完全沽清。

答:組合中各股票的比重,是以其Expected Value的相對比例而分配的。因此,組合內其他股票的數量於吸引程度,都會影響著各股的比重。我是會動態調整股數去乎合讓比例。同時,我會對市場風險作出評估從而決定現金比例。以現時而言,我持有30%以上現金。












i love this game: 很佩服兄跟進公司的能力。小弟正在學習,發現十分費時。

請問兄同一時間跟進幾多間公司?又可否跟大家分享一下心得?譬如說,每日的routine work, 業績公布期的工夫, 分析時的要點,財務報表的重點(是否細緻到看Notes to financial statements)和花費時間,對公司股價的留意等。



Dear ILTG and others,

Sorry to write in English, as my Chinese writing takes me too much time. Thank you for your positive comments and I feel that I still have a lot to learn, from you, from the market, and other readers.

I seldom follow in details for big companies, like HSBC, 2628, 2318, 53 and etc. They are well covered and I would take a top-down approach. e.g. I believe PRC finance companies will be good for the coming few years, I just buy and accumulate. I will update the operational data for specific company, e.g. 2628 and 2318.

I am actually experimenting different strategies and trying to widen my knowledge this year. I start to cover more and more companies, and I think it is about 30-60. (However, more coverage does not mean better return. Imagine if you only hold 2628 and 941, you can be very relaxing and beat the market already.) Some sectors or companies do not have a bright future, e.g. 710, 420, and etc., I will put them aside and wait.

I usually go through the reports in details. Checkout red alerts (e.g. A/R, Gearing, Cash on hand, Cash flow), performance (ROE, ROA), assets on hand, staff cost to overall operating cost, CAPEX, earning trend, margin trend, regular core earning trend, management statement, rental cost (for retail), same store sales (for retails), tax rate, ….. It is very time consuming in the beginning but efficiency is built up gradually.

I also monitor sector trend, e.g. on LCD, semiconductor, mobile phone, transportations, ….but not in a consistent way. Information is from newspapers (HKEJ, HKET), official sites on the net, Google new alert service.

Daily routine include: reading HKEJ, HKET, news on the net, annual reports. If I find a stock doing very well recently (FA or TA), I will take more time to performance a FA analysis and news search. I would also pick specific sector, e.g. AV, Paper, Fertilizer, Fast food, and do a comparison in the sector.

Monitoring insider and fund activities is also important in some cases. E.g. #81, #366, #567, the insiders did buy a lot before the share price high flying.

I do not have a consistent way to prepare for result announcement period. I am planning to develop one later.

Currently, most following-ups are not done adequately. I wish more readers could help to track the specific companies and sectors, more information, knowledge, skills, ideas can be shared across.

I am looking forward to your ideas and comments!

i love this game:
Brother checker,

Thanks for your sharing. Your study is so detailed. You and Brother Maple Leaf are both very hard worker! A very good example to learn.

I always want to work in the market-related field. Now, most of my leisure time is devoted to the market. I am studying CFA level 1 and found the syllabus a good complement to my knowledge. Besides the study, my daily routine includes reading HKEJ, ETnet news, running scanners to 'see' the market. I enjoy reading, and have many investment books rest unread in the bookshelves. Recently, I am trying to devote more time to studying industries, companies instead of reading books. Industry is really hard to study!

I agree with brother sanfords' view of investing into China excellent companies. Many investors, local or foreign, take this view. Stocks with China factor take higher priority in my study.

I also like 'growth' companies, as everyone does. In reality, growth is hard to archieve and cheap real growth companies are hard to find. I think real growth companies in panic sell-off or after intermediate term correction provide good opportunities. The problem is without in-depth knowledge of the companies and the industries, it is hard psychologically to buy in such environment.

My analysis skill is still naive and need to learn more from you.

金融眾生相 by 樊仲然﹝轉載﹞











投資策略師:你繼續寫我們的中國概念股吧~我上次給了你其他行的報告,你參考他們便可以了~改一下個Terminal Growth,寫Buy~你照做就可以了~未來有你好處...




引用自:http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=consilient_lollapalooza Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What makes the stock go up and down?

It is a joke to provide advice based on valuation only. We are not valuers! Damn funny place.

Jack Schwager: What kind of analytical approach did you use in evaluating stocks?

Stanley Druckenmiller: When I first started out, I did very thorough papers covering every aspect of a stock or industry. Before I could make the presentation to the stock selection committee, I first had to submit the paper to the research director. I particularly remember the time I gave him my paper on the banking industry. I felt very proud of my work. However, he read through it and said, ‘This is useless. What makes the stock go up and down?’ That comment acted as a spur. Thereafter, I focused my analysis on seeking to identify the factors that were strongly correlated to a stock’s price movement as opposed to looking at all the fundamentals. Frankly, even today, many analysts still don’t know what makes their particular stocks go up and down.

JS: What did you find was the answer?

SD: Very often the key factor is related to earnings. This is particularly true of the bank stocks. Chemical stocks, however, behave quite differently. In this industry, the key factor seems to be capacity. The ideal time to buy the chemical stocks is after a lot of capacity has left the industry and there’s a catalyst that you believe will trigger an increase in demand. Conversely, the ideal time to sell these stocks is when there are lots of announcements for new plants, not when the earnings turn down. The reason for this behavioral pattern is that expansion plans mean that earnings will go down in two to three years, and the stock market tends to anticipate such developments.

Another discipline I learned that helped me determine whether a stock would go up or down is technical analysis. Drelles was very technically oriented, and I was probably more receptive to technical analysis than anyone else in the department. Even though Drelles was the boss, a lot of people thought he was a kook because of all the chart books he kept. However, I found that technical analysis could be very effective.

From: Jack D. Schwager, The New Market Wizards, Harper Business, 1994, p.191.

Never let your fire off!

Jesse Livermore’s Trading Method

first published on 2008.02.07

In his book "How to trade in stocks", Jesse Livermore, a famous speculator in the early 20th century and “the great bear”, discussed his trading method. Though Livermore died broke, we can still benefit from his forty-odd year experience in Wall Street. He emphasized to trade an unstoppable long-term trend and to get in somewhat near the beginning.

“Real movements do not end the day they start. It takes time to complete the end of a genuine movement.” p.29

“It has always been my experience that I never benefited much from a move if I did not get in at somewhere near the beginning of that move. And the reason is that I missed the backlog of profit which is very necessary to provide the courage and patience to sit through a move until the end comes-and to stay through any minor reactions or rallies which were bound to occur from time to time before the movement had completed its course.” p.46

Though Livermore was famous for his tape-reading and was regarded by many people as a technical trader, I think he was virtually a “techno-fundamentalist” as he digested lots of fundamental and market information in his normal trading days. After forming an opinion about the market or a particular stock, it is the TIMING he wanted to discuss in the book. Many of us probably have the experience of getting nothing out of the market though our opinion on the market direction was right. Maybe we get in the trend too late or we are scared out by a vigorous reaction. In the worst case we may have same experience as
Jim Rogers’, who in 1970 shorted a stock at 48 and had to cover the position when the stock went up to 72. The stock eventually went up to 96 and then down to 2. Right but lost! Seems familiar? How could Livermore recognize the trend beginning?

“I determined to eliminate all the minor movements.” p.82

“I wanted to find out what constituted the beginning of a Natural Reaction or a Natural Rally. So I began checking the distances of price movements. First I based my calculation on one point. That was no good. Then two points, and so on, until finally I arrived at a point that represented what I thought should constitute the beginning of a Natural Reaction or Natural Rally.” p.83

There are around 20 pages in his book detailed his method. Here we only outline his idea and use the following figure as an example:

1. Up Trend: Suppose the stock is rising and we become bearish on the stock owing to some fundamental reason. We should not short at this stage and should wait for a better opportunity to short. At this stage, we only record the closing price in a column named “Up Trend” when it is higher than the last highest closing price.

2. Natural Reaction: How to eliminate minor movements? Livermore use DISTANCE to remove minor movements. If the stock closes significantly lower than the last highest closing price, it is in the Natural Reaction Stage. My definition of “significantly lower” for HSI is 10% of the last highest closing price in the column “Up Trend”. In this stage, we record in a column named “Natural Reaction” only when the closing price is lower than the last lowest closing price.

3. Natural Rally. When the stock closes significantly higher than the last lowest closing price in the column “Natural Reaction”, it is in the Natural Rally Stage. Now we have 2 pivotal points, the highest closing price in “Up Trend” and the lowest closing price in “Natural Reaction”. The price action around pivotal point deserves scrutiny. In this stage, we record in a column named “Natural Rally” only when the closing price is higher than the last highest closing price.

4. Livermore suggested shorting when the test of the highest closing price in “Up Trend” fails. My Definition of test failure for HSI is it closes around 5% lower than the last highest closing price in the column “Natural Rally”.

The above is only a simplified version of his recording method. His recording sheet consists of 6 columns, namely Up Trend, Down Trend, Natural Reaction, Natural Rally, Secondary Reaction and Secondary Rally, and handles many more scenarios, such as test success, fake test success etc. The following is my record of HSI using JL’s method. The minor movements were eliminated as illustrated.
